Vítejte v agentuře Cornelia
Jsme marketingová agentura a firemní inkubátor pro mladé podnikatele
10 aktivních projektů
Tým odborníků
Rychlý start
Budujeme a inovujeme
01 Project
Making of Swedish
Barn House
We aimed at making both exterior and interiors for this project, and the first thing I did we visiting Swedish...
Our work
02 Project
Design Studio Zero
We aimed at making both exterior and interiors for this project, and the first thing I did we visiting Swedish...
Our work
03 Project
Pink scandinavian design office
We aimed at making both exterior and interiors for this project, and the first thing I did we visiting Swedish...
Our work
04 Project
Whisky cellar
work office brown
We aimed at making both exterior and interiors for this project, and the first thing I did we visiting Swedish...
Our work
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